House rules

In order to ensure a pleasant stay at Riegersburg Castle, we ask you to observe the following rules of conduct .

With the purchase of the admission ticket you fully accept the house rules. Violation of these will result in expulsion from the premises by our staff and possible legal action.


  • Riegersburg Castle assumes no liability for damages and injuries of any kind.
  • Smoking is absolutely prohibited in the rooms of the castle.
  • There is no alcohol under 16 and no spirits or tobacco products under 18 in the Castle Tavern.
  • Touching all exhibits, paintings, walls, tile stoves etc. is strictly prohibited.
  • Any theft will be reported without exception.
  • Theft also includes the taking of stones, plants, pieces of walls, volcanic rocks of the castle hill etc.
  • Parents or guardians are liable for their children.
  • Children and adolescents under the age of 14 must be under constant adult supervision.
  • Leaving the marked trails is prohibited.
  • The use of the playgrounds is at your own risk.
  • Barriers are for your safety and are not to be climbed over, encroached upon or used as seating.
  • The instructions of the staff must be followed without fail.
  • Bringing animals is not allowed - except for dogs on a short leash.
  • Bringing dogs into the museums & castle rooms is not permitted.
  • All dogs must be muzzled in the elevator.
  • Bringing bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, radios, balls etc. is not allowed.
  • Damaging plants is prohibited.
  • The plants and berries found on the castle hill are not suitable for consumption.
  • Help us keep Riegersburg castle clean and use the numerous trash cans.


We inform you that during events (e.g. Full Moon Night) photos and/or videos will be taken at the venue for documentation purposes. These photos may be published in newspapers, on our website or on social media. If you do not agree to this, please inform our photographers or our staff directly. You are also welcome to contact us afterwards by phone or email and we will immediately remove the relevant footage.